alcohol-free activities
Have a cooking night & get creative in the kitchen!
Visit an art, history or science museum, and learn something new.
Host a mocktail mixology party! Try out new alcohol-free recipes together.
Practice self-care! An evening of self-care can leave you feeling well-rested & re-energized.
Plan a game night with friends!
Schedule an evening of arts & crafts. Get some friends together and get creative!
Visit your local library or bookstore with a friend and pick out books for each other! It's a great way to find a new read & learn more about each other.
Join a local sports league or just drop in for pickup games.
Go out and see a movie, or stay in and rent something new!
Move your body! Go for a walk around the neighborhood, find a nearby hiking spot or get some friends and go to a fitness class!
This campaign is brought to you by the Latinx Task Force of Los Angeles, with generous support from a City of Hope© Healthy Living Grant, UCLA Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Equity Community Seed Grant and a Breast Cancer Care & Research Fund Micro Grant.